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Monica Kubik
Monica Kubik
Transforming Lives Since
United Arab Emirates
Passionate About
Working with horses to help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves

Meet Monica Kubik, the founder of Horse Guided Empowerment Middle East. Born and raised in Latin America, Monica is a German national who has called Dubai home since 2006. After completing her studies in economics, Monica discovered her passion for using horses to help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

Monica is a certified Licensed Partner for HorseDream©, a method focused on corporate leadership training, as well as an Embodiment Coach and Certified Practitioner of Horse Guided Empowerment©. As the head of the Middle East division, Monica trains new facilitators and spreads knowledge about how horses can improve emotional well-being.

In addition to her work with Horse Guided Empowerment, Monica offers multi-day coaching journeys with horses to help individuals find their true selves. With a focus on simplicity and down-to-earth views, Monica is passionate about providing effective solutions for navigating our complex world.

With her wealth of experience and certifications, Monica is committed to helping her clients gain clarity and empower themselves through personalised coaching and support.